[AVICOM Conference 2023] F@IMP Media Festival and General Assembly

Deadline: May 31st, 2023

The traditional international AVICOM Festival (Festival of Audiovisual and Innovative Museum Media Productions) 2023 in combination with the annual General Assembly / Conference of AVICOM will take place from Thursday 21 September (arrival day) to Sunday 24 September (excursion and departure day) in the university town of St Andrews in Scotland.


The F@IMP Festival:

AVICOM invites all museums and other cultural institutions as well as media producers who are members of ICOM to participate in this year’s Media Festival.

Please note that the categories have changed as follows: Museum film, animation –  Media – Web – Exhibition installation – Mobile application.

The following criteria will be assessed in the categories: Research, documentary – Education and mediation – Interpretation – Inclusivity and sustainability.


The General Assembly / Conference: The Virtual Museum

In addition, AVICOM cordially invites you to participate in this year’s General Assembly / Conference. The theme is “The Virtual Museum”:  What are the content-related and methodological criteria for a Virtual Museum and what distinguishes it from other online museum databases? In which cases does the installation of a VM make sense? Can and may the VM replace the physical museum? Does the VM pose a threat to the physical museum or can the VM support the physical museum? Are there target groups that can be reached better via the VM than via the physical museum? What opportunities does the VM offer in terms of barrier reduction, inclusion and sustainability?


Submission of contributions:

Contributions to both the Media Festival and the General Assembly (presentations: approx. 15 to 20 minutes) can be submitted until 31 May 2023, 12 p.m. (CET).

For the Media Festival, contributions can be uploaded directly to the faimpavicom.org website.

Please send proposals for contributions to the Conference with the following documents to dr.m.faber@t-online.de: Title, abstract ( approx. 500 words), short CV, copy of your / your institution’s ICOM membership card.