Comitati Internazionali

I Comitati Internazionali riuniscono esperti di varie specialità museali. I presidenti di ciascun Comitato Internazionale rappresentano  lo stesso all’interno del Comitato Consultivo dell’ICOM. I 34 Comitati Internazionali sono gruppi di riflessione sui Musei e, più in generale, sul patrimonio culturale. Definiscono gli standard professionali dei Musei, condividono le informazioni scientifiche, stabiliscono collaborazioni con altre organizzazioni e sviluppano raccomandazioni per i membri ICOM.

I 34 Comitati Internazionali di ICOM:

  • AVICOM (International Committee for Audiovisual and New Image and Sound Technologies)
  • CAMOC (International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities)
  • CECA (International Committee for Education and Cultural Action)
  • CIDOC (International Committee for Documentation)
  • CIMCIM (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Instruments and Music)
  • CIMUSET (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Science and Technology)
  • CIPEG (International Committee for Egyptology)
  • COMCOL (International Committee for Collecting)
  • COSTUME (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Costume)
  • DEMHIST (International Committee for Historic House Museums)
  • DRMC (ICOM International Committee on Disaster Resilient Museums)
  • GLASS (International Committee for Museums and Glass collections)
  • ICAMT (International Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques)
  • ICDAD (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Decorative Arts and Design)
  • ICEE (International Committee for Exhibitions and Exchanges)
  • ICEThics (ICOM International Committee on Ethical Dilemmas)
  • ICFA (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Fine Arts)
  • ICLCM (International Committee for Literary and Composers’ Museums)
  • ICMAH (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Archaeology and History)
  • ICME (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Ethnography)
  • ICMS (International Committee for Disaster Resilient Museums)
  • ICOFOM (International Committee for Museology)
  • ICOMAM (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Arms and Military History)
  • ICOM-CC (International Committee for Conservation)
  • IC-MEMOHRI (International Committee of Memorial and Human Rights Museums)
  • ICOMON (International Committee for Money and Banking Museums)
  • ICR (International Committee for Regional Museums)
  • ICTOP (International Committee for the Training of Personnel)
  • INTERCOM (International Committee on Management)
  • MPR (International Committee for Marketing and Public Relations)
  • NATHIST (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History)
  • SOMUS (International Committee on Social Museology)
  • SUSTAIN (International Committee on Museums and Sustainable Development)
  • UMAC (International Committee for University Museums and Collections)

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