
ICOM Italia operates in accordance with the Code of Ethics and the ICOM International mission for the protection of cultural heritage and the development of museums.

At the national level:

  • promotes the achievement of quality levels in all Italian museums to ensure the performance of the fundamental functions and an active role in the contemporary society, through the dissemination of technical standards defined at national and international level in compliance with the ICOM Code of Ethics, the training and continuous updating of professionals, raising awareness of owners and managers, the diffusion of positive national and international experiences;
  • contributes to the definition of national and territorial planning policies and support to museums, in an integrated vision of cultural heritage and landscape, making the wealth of skills and experience of its members and governing bodies available to institutions and communities;
  • supports the development of a community of museum professionals, regardless of the environmental, institutional and contractual circumstances in which they operate, and launches forms of collaboration with other cultural professionals and experts from other disciplines;
  • stimulates the study of, and debate on, the main themes of museology, in relation with the theoretical elaborations and concrete experiences produced in Italy and other countries;

in the international sphere:

  • actively contributes with its delegates to the debate in the International Committees and in ICOM Europe, attends the sessions of the Annual Conferences and General Conferences of ICOM, proposing Italian topics and issues of general interest to the international attention;
  • expands, through the Italian partners, the international network of the organization;
  • participates in international missions to protect tangible and intangible cultural heritage, promotes culture, knowledge and mutual tolerance among peoples, combat illicit trafficking and spread prevention and safety culture in all countries, in order to reduce and counteract natural and human risks.