[ICLCM annual Conference 2023] Literary and Composers´ Museums: Their Goals and Methods

The ICLCM annual Conference 2023 will be held in Kyrgyzstan in cooperation with ICOM Kyrgyzstan from 13 to 17 September 2023.

Call for papers for The Annual Conference of the ICOM International Committee for Literary and Composers’ Museums “Definition and Description of Literary and Composers’ Museums: their goals and methods” which will take place in Bishkek, Issyk-Kul’, the Kyrgyz Republic, on September 13-17th, 2023.

The deadline for applications is August 19th, 2023.

All European and American participants do not need visa to enter the Kyrgyz Republic.


The conference fee is € 300.00, including meals, handouts and transportation during the conference, excluding hotel accommodations.
Three hotels are suggested:

These hotels will provide a small discount for our conference participants.


In addition to the call for papers, we planned to have during the conference each year a small section for short presentations, self-introductions (5-10 minutes) by new ICLCM members (and members who have never had a presentation in our Conferences).

Our contact person in Kyrgyzstan is:

Aida Alymova, PhD | Director of the Kurmanjan Datka Nomad Civilization Center  | Chair of ICOM Kyrgyzstan National Committee

Aida Alymova <alymova.ak@gmail.com>



Wednesday, September 13

  • Arrival of participants, hotel accommodation

Thursday, September 14

  • 10.00 – 10.30 Registration, start of the conference
  • 10.30 – Plenary meeting in Bishkek, greeting of the Minister of Culture and other short speeches of other officials (ICLCM and others) in the Central Museum of the city.
  • 11.00  Special Part of the Conference (in cooperation with The UNESCO Memory of Programme, Sub-Committee on Education and Research [SCEaR], UNESCO Kyrgyzstan and the Institute of Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences): “Manas” and Memory of the World. A Workshop on Perspectives of International Cooperation
    Moderators: Asel Iseva and Lothar Jordan (Chair SCEaR)
  • 11.05 Video, Greeting by Dr Fackson Banda, UNESCO, Paris; Head of the Documentary/Memory of the World Unit (to be asked)
  • 11.10 Key paper: Asel Isaeva: „Manas“. On the Kyrgyz National Epic Joining Intangible Heritage and Documentary Heritage (or two Kyrgyz presenters: one speaking about content and significance of “Manas” and the other about Intangible Heritage and Documentary Heritage)
  • 11.35 2 Papers: The Educational and Academic Potential of Items in the International Register of Memory of the World. International Experiences
  • 12.00 Round table discussion of presenters: „Manas“ as a source for international cooperation in the frame of Memory of the World
  • 12.45 End of Special Part
  • 13.00 – Lunch
  • 14.00 – Thematic section (opened by Presidents of ICLCM and ICOM Kyrgyzstan)
  • 16.00 – Visit to the memorial house-museum of the famous writer Chyngyz Aitmatov and the museum of musical instruments at the National Conservatory of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • 18.00 – Welcome dinner
  • (dinner in the traditions of nomadic culture in a famous ethnic complex near Bishkek)
  • 21.00 – Departure to the hotel

Friday, September 15

  • 8.00 – Departure to Issyk-Kul. Collection, departure from the hotel.
  • Travel time 3.5-4 hours.
  • 12.00 – hotel accommodation, Cholpon-Ata city
  • 13.00 – Lunch
  • 14.00 – Visiting section at the literary museum of M. Auezov
  • 16.00 – Excursion to the historical and cultural museum of the Issyk-Kul region
  • 18.00 – Dinner

Saturday, September 16

  • 10.00 – Departure to the Center of Nomadic Civilization named after Kurmanjan Datka
  • 11.00 – Thematic section in the museum of this Center
  • 13.00 – Lunch
  • 14.00 – Departure to Bishkek.
  • 18.00 – Arrival in the city, dinner

Sunday, September 17

  • After breakfast – Departure from the hotel, transfer to the airport