ICOM Europe annual conference 2023 | Public policies for sustainable development in museums in Europe: Comparisons, cooperation

In occasione della Conferenza annuale di ICOM Europe e della conferenza di Nemo a Lahti in Finlandia, ha avuto luogo il 19 novembre 2023 un incontro tra i consigli direttivi dell’alleanza europea di ICOM e dell’associazione europea per concordare azioni comuni e scambio di informazioni. I rispettivi direttivi si sono detti molto felici di inaugurare azioni congiunte che saranno definite nel corso di una prossima riunione ai primi del 2024.

ICOM Europe Annual Conference “Public policies for sustainable development in museums in Europe: Comparisons, cooperation” will be held on 18th November 2023 in Lahti Museum, Finland.


Information and call for participation for the session

In recent years, European museums have actively embraced the cause of sustainable development, committing themselves to proactive strategies that encompass organizational innovations, thematic and educational programming, and the promotion of responsible attitudes among their staff and visitors. This heightened awareness has been accelerated by climate-related events in the past two years but originates from a broader reflection on the evolution of museums in the 21st century.

The proliferation of museums worldwide over the past few decades has led to ongoing questioning of their purposes, collections, social roles, and even their fundamental “definition.” The COVID-19 pandemic prompted a reevaluation of the “next museum,” one that is less focused on producing exhibits and more on being participatory, inclusive, and socially responsible. Post-crisis, this vision shifted toward the urgent need to rebuild audiences, attendance, and resources. Resilience, initially associated with survival during the crisis, transformed into an ambition to restore culture to a central position in our daily lives. Museums quickly reasserted their attractiveness and innovation, modernizing their operations in the process.

The commitment to sustainable development, in alignment with the broad UN recommendations, goes beyond mere goodwill and frugality; it has become an essential imperative. At the G20 meeting in Rome in August 2020, the president of ICOM highlighted that “museums are among the most credible institutions.” While this accolade is flattering, it also carries an element of responsibility. Ministers, by endorsing this statement in the final declaration, committed to integrating it into national public policies.

Museums’ credibility among the public stems from their role as purveyors of verified and sourced information and custodians of authentic objects. This scientific responsibility holds a central place in the definition adopted in Prague and is especially crucial in a world where distinguishing truth from falsehood is increasingly challenging. It is within this context that many museum institutions and organizations have placed sustainable development at the core of their policies and programming, actively engaging their audiences in this vital endeavor.

The upcoming professional days in Lahti in November will explore the impact of national public policies on museums in Europe. Specifically, we aim to assess the effectiveness and sufficiency of public resources allocated to cultural policies in supporting and encouraging museums. Our annual conference endeavors to identify and compare public policies across different European countries, extracting valuable insights for the future.

We invite members of ICOM Europe, including presidents of national committees or their representatives, to share their experiences and perspectives, contributing to the development of a comprehensive understanding of the various typologies of support for national policies and providing a framework for evaluating their scope and impact.

The chosen theme aims:

  • To Recall the pioneering role of ICOM, which launched a sustainable development working group in 2016;
  • Highlight the role of ICOM Europe’s national committees, many of which have set up working groups, conducted surveys among their members, relayed initiatives and promoted good practices. The aim is to better identify and characterise the actions undertaken by museums in Europe.
  • Valueing the “members” of ICOM Europe who are observers and sometimes contributors to national cultural policies and who are able to help sketch out a panorama of cultural policies implemented by the states to support their museums in their determination to take up environmental issues. What means are available to museums? What measures of effectiveness?

Draft Agenda:

  • Opening and introductory by ICOM Europe board
  • Session 1: presentation of ICOM’s sustainable development programme, intervention by the president (or representative) of the ad hoc working group
  • Session 2: interventions by the partners of the days in Finland: Nemo, Ecsite
  • Session 3: presentations by ICOM Europe members of the range of public aid and incentives dedicated to sustainable development in museums in their countries
  • Conclusion. Avenues for the future.