Call for ICOM-ITC grants | Respect in museums: inclusive practices, co-creation, restitution and more

These will be the topics of the next workshop of the ICOM International Training Centre for Museum Studies (ICOM-ITC), which will be held in Beijing, China, from 17 to 25 April 2024.

In this 14th edition of the training programme, Chinese and international participants and lecturers will discuss and exchange knowledge about best practices to foster inclusion and diversity, the importance of co-creation, restitution and more.

The programme will follow the ICOM-ITC training method, which combines practice and theory with lectures, group work, discussions, visits to local museums, and a full-day excursion to cultural heritage sites around the capital.


Only ICOM members meeting the following criteria can apply to this programme:

  • Being an ICOM member in good standing, which means having paid their ICOM individual membership dues for two consecutive years including the current year of application (i.e. 2022 and 2023) or, in the case of a new or reinstated ICOM membership, having paid membership dues for the year of application (i.e. 2023);
  • Occupying middle-management position in a recognised museum or public institution;
  • Aged 45 years or under, by 31 December 2024;
  • Being fluent in both written and spoken English.

The ICOM-ITC training workshops are intended primarily for ICOM members from emerging countries but applicants from other countries might be considered.