Call for researcher for NEMO report on measuring digital audiences

NEMO will appoint a researcher to conduct and compile research on different approaches by European museums regarding digital audiences. The researcher will also examine available audience measurement tools and methodologies used in European museums. Applications are welcome until 5 February 2024.

The results of the research will be presented in a report published in late 2024 by the NEMO Working Group Digital Transformation. It will follow up on the Working Group’s working paper on audience measurement in the digital era from 2023. The report will offer a more profound understanding of the motivations, needs, decision-making processes, and expectations of digital audiences.

Another focus lies on how to measure digital audiences and how to make them count to maximise their impact. The researcher is also expected to collect good-practise examples from museums in different EU countries that implement and utilise measurement of digital audiences to make their engagement meaningful.

It is also required that the researcher sets up a practical guide that museums can refer to when implementing a strategy for audience development that includes both digital and in-person visitors.