Culture & jobs: Rescue, support and unleash | OECD Webinar

OECD – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, organizes a 2-day webinar, 27 and 28 January 2021 , in collaboration with the European Commission and co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme. The webinar will also be co-hosted by Glasgow City Region.

Cultural and creative sectors represent over 4% total employment in some OECD regions, and there are many more creative jobs in other sectors. Jobs in venue-based sectors have been the hardest hit from the start of the crisis. Emergency policy responses have been unprecedented in their scope and scale but often are just not cutting it as they are not necessarily well suited to the needs of creative professionals who are often self-employed or pair standard employment with part-time gigs and contracts. This webinar will provide guidance for the recovery by looking into the effects of the crisis on cultural employment, ways to better adapt employment, income and business support measures to the needs of the sector as well as measurement approaches to capture the true size of the sector to better inform policies.