H.E.L.P. PROJECT | Museum Digital Education on Pandemic Emergency | Research result webinar

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Monday 17th May 2021 at 16:00, the online meeting organized by the project H.E.L.P. on research results.

The aim of H.E.L.P. project is to guide museums through a self-assessment process and to support them into the realization of digital projects for heritage education, based on open licenses.

The pandemic emergency forced museums to create innovative participatory and inclusive ways to involve visitors online? In the era of global content sharing, are museums sufficiently aware of the extraordinary opportunities in terms of cultural, social and economic development that derive from the adoption of open licenses?


16.00 – 16.20 Greetings and introduction

Adele Maresca ICOM Italy President

Maria Monge –  ICOM Portugal President

Gina RenotièreICOM Czech Republic President

Michela RotaICOM Working Group on Sustainability 

16.20- 16.30 Project presentation and methodology, Sarah Dominique Orlandi – Anna Maria Marras

16.30-16.40 Survey results, Filipa Leite

16.40-16.50 Survey results, Jiří Stýblo

16.50-16.55 Survey results, Michela Rota

16.55-17.10 National results: ICOM Italy, ICOM Portugal, ICOM Czech Republic

17.10- 17.30 Q&A