ICOM Annual Report 2022: A Year of Solidarity and Reconnection

The International Council of Museums is proud to share a glimpse of the many activities and projects that were held within the museum network for the year 2022


In 2022, the world emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic and faced the challenges brought about by the global crisis. The introduction of online and hybrid working methods had a significant impact on the way people collaborate, communicate, and innovate, including in the field of museums.

Amidst the pandemic, the war in Ukraine led to efforts from ICOM (International Council of Museums) to support Ukrainian colleagues. ICOM released a statement condemning the destruction of cultural heritage in Ukraine and mobilized international support.

In addition to the crisis in Ukraine, ICOM worked on various projects and initiatives, such as developing an Emergency Red List for Ukraine and revising the museum definition, and the Code of Ethics. The organization also focused on sustainability, climate action, and advocacy for museums’ roles in sustainable development and was finally able to reunite during the 2022 General Conference in Prague in a hybrid mode.

Financially, ICOM showed recovery from the pandemic with a surplus, and efforts were made to improve communication and engagement between members and the Executive Board.