[International Conference] Bridging the gap between museums and communities: the role of communication and education

ICOM Europe | Bridging the gap between museums and communities: the role of communication and education | Lisbon, National Coach Museum – Portugal, 2 and 3 October 2023


Watch the recording from October 2nd

Watch the recording from October 3rd

Report on the 2023 ICOM Europe International Conference

The seminar Bridging the gap between museums and communities: the role of communication and education, organised by Portugal’s national coach museum, thanks to Mario Antas, is a highly anticipated event for ICOM Europe.

The project, supported from the outset by the ICOM Europe office, is at the heart of the concerns of all our museums in Europe. The new ICOM definition of Museums reserves to education and communication a main role:

A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sustainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.

Museums are recognised as being among the most credible institutions, and this confers an essential mission on all those who work within them: they have to build new forms of education and communication, guaranteeing a wider dissemination of knowledge, accessible to as many people as possible. This is the responsibility that falls more than ever to ICOM, the international organisation that aims to bring together all museum professionals around the world.

For ICOM Europe, this is a very important event for meeting and debate: many eminent figures from the museum community will be in Lisbon, particularly from Portugal, of course, but also from various national and international ICOM committees.

ICOM Europe is one of the founding members of ICOM and, together with the six other Regional Alliances, we are working to offer the national committees of our respective regions the opportunity to come together and exchange ideas in order to foster the increasingly open dialogue that museums and culture have the potential to promote.





Call for papers

Call for papers’ deadline has been extended to September 4th.

Please submit the following information until 15 August 2023:

  • Abstract of the presentation (subject, content, method) 
  • Name of the author 
  • Organisation and country 
  • Title of submitted proposal 
  • Synopsis of the proposal/ project (max. 400 words)
  • Biography of each presenter (max. 100 words) 
  • Send your proposal to icomeulisbon23@gmail.com

August, 21 , 2023: Notification of Acceptance

September 15, 2023: Final Paper Submission


Main themes:

1 - Memory and community. How museums can turn themselves into cultural hubs for people to understand the value of heritage.

2 - Communication, Education and community. How the educational departments can develop participatory strategies to give voice to communities.

3 - Heritage as expression of different cultures and different migrations. The objects have different meanings for different communities. What makes an object so important for one community?

4 - How can we give voice to non-represented communities in museums?

5 – Challenging times - such as we are living now (post covid, climate change issues, financial and economic crisis and war times in Europe) how to use communication and education to approach communities?

6 - Virtual visitors versus real objects? How can we turn non visitors into real museum visitors engaging musems?