16. 11. 2022 – 13:00 CEST

A practical tool by ICOM Italy

In the era of global content sharing, museums, libraries and archives and, more generally, cultural
heritage institutions, do not seem to be sufficiently aware of the extraordinary opportunities in terms of
cultural, social and economic development or the community that derive from the adoption of open
licenses on content in the public domain.

How to clarify to the cultural community? ICOM Italy presents AUTHOR’S RIGHT, COPYRIGHT AND FREE
LICENSE FOR CULTURE ON THE WEB 100 questions and answers for museums, archives and libraries
to clarify the opportunities and regulatory limits related to the reuse and dissemination of digital
reproductions of cultural resources on the web.

13:00 | Opening remarks
ICOM Slovenia
Jana Babšek, President of ICOM Slovenia
Tina Fortič Jakopič, Board Member of ICOM Slovenia

ICOM Italia
Adele Maresca, Presidente

CULTURE ON THE WEB. 100 questions and answers for museums, archives and libraries

FAQ Open access and museology
Sarah Dominique Orlandi, Coordinator of the Digital Cultural Heritage Research Group
ICOM Italy, Creando. Ideas and strategies for culture

FAQ Definitions
Avv. Deborah De Angelis, Ordine degli avvocati di Roma, Creative Commons Italy
Chapter Lead, Digital Cultural Heritage Research Group ICOM Italy

FAQ Photographs
Avv. Cristina Manasse, Milan, Member of the Commission “Literature, Law and Art””
of the Milan Bar, Digital Cultural Heritage Research Group ICOM Italy

FAQ Images of Public Cultural Goods in Public Domain (Italian case study)
Avv. Giuditta Giardini, Consultant at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, Digital
Cultural Heritage Research Group ICOM Italy

14:00 | Open discussion and questions from the public
14:30 | End of the webinar

Our research group works in close contact and dialogue with experts from national and international
associations and stakeholders so that with a general reflection on digital cultural contents we may hope
for a greater flexibility and balance between exclusive rights and freedom of reproduction.





The authors, experienced professionals in digital communication and in legal aspects within cultural heritage, are
members of ICOM Italia research group “Digital Cultural Heritage”. The group has been active since October
2015, and published articles as Web Strategy in Museums: An Italian Survey Stimulates New Visions (Museum
International. N°70); participate in international conferences such as When Museum Go Online (ICOM Ginevra,
2020); Velvet Digital Revolution (ICOM, Bratislava 2019). ICOM Italy Digital Cultural Heritage research group
carried a project and a book on “Museum Web Strategy" (2019); and in 2021 the new publication FAQs Author’s
Rights, Copyright and Open Licenses for culture on the web. (2021); on 4 March 4 and 112021 DCH organized
a conference dedicated to the topic.

Sarah Dominique Orlandi, DCH founder and coordinator since 2015. Cultural consultant and lecturer, she
develops cultural projects focused on communication and digital tools for cultural organizations such as Venice
Biennale, Museo del Novecento in Milan, MAXXI Museum in Rome, Rome National Etruscan Museum. She
combines her consultant work with intense training and research activity organizing and participating in
conferences and meeting on the field of culture on the web. She is the author of articles and publications on
these topics.

Deborah De Angelis is an attorney-at-law based in Rome, Italy admitted to the Italian Supreme Court. She is the
representative and legal lead of the Italian Chapter in the Creative Commons Global Network. Deborah is a legal
expert in copyright law, entertainment law and new technologies. She also worked as legal advisor on copyright
law to the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage in 2019-2020.

Pierfrancesco C. Fasano, Admitted as Avvocato (Advocate) to Milan Bar and to the Italian Supreme Court
(Corte di Cassazione). Registered as Legal Practitioner with right of audience before the Dubai International
Financial Center (DIFC) Courts and as European Union Lawyer with The Law Society of Ireland (LSI) in Dublin.

Cristina Manasse, qualified lawyer based in Milano, more than 25 years of experience in art law and intellectual
property, also for digital world, advising Glam entities, artists, collectors, fairs, institutions, start-ups and
enterprises. Member of the Commission on Law, Literature and Art (DLA) of the Milan Bar, former Chairman of
the Art, Cultural Institutions & Heritage Law Committee of the IBA. Author of articles and regular legal columns,
speaker at international/national conferences on art law and art-related topics. Lecturer at University Masters on
Art Law and Photography Law.

Anna Maria Marras PhD in archaeology, is a research fellow at Università di Torino, she is digital project
manager and she is coordinator of “Digital technologies for cultural heritage” of ICOM Italia. She works as a
digital project manager in museums and libraries. She collaborates with SPICE H2020 project on social inclusion
and museums. She is an expert on digital accessibility.

Mirco Modolo is an archeologist and archivist working at Italian National Archives (Archivio centrale dello Stato)
in the Italian Ministry of Culture. He studies the general impact of digital reproductions of public cultural heritage
and is author of several papers in this field.

Giuditta Giardini is a qualified lawyer serving as a consultant for the Antiquities Trafficking Unit at the Manhattan
District Attorney’s Office. Before moving to New York, she worked for UNIDROIT focusing on the 1995
UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects. She holds an LL.M. from Columbia Law
School, and is a PhD candidate at Ferrara University. She is a member of the European Law Institute.