Red Lists come to Life | A Louvre exhibition aims to raise awareness of illicit trafficking in cultural property

Until 13 December 2021, the Louvre Museum is presenting six archaeological objects seized by the French authorities between 2012 and 2016: an initiative that confirms the key role of museums in raising awareness of the dangers threatening cultural heritage and underlines the importance of international cooperation in the fight against illicit trafficking.

This initiative of the Louvre, the most visited museum in the world, complements the ICOM Red Lists, whose main objective has been – for more than twenty years – to prevent and raise awareness on the theft and illicit trade of cultural property. Along with ICOM, international institutions, states, museums, organisations working to support the legal circulation of cultural goods, and the general public, are equally engaged in this fight against the illicit trade of cultural property. The strength of this exhibition lies in its ability to inform and raise awareness among visitors to the museum. This exhibition is a best practice that can serve as an example for other museums around the world.

ICOM Italia has always been linked to the issue of awareness-raising on the illicit trafficking of cultural property. It has an agreement with the Comando Carabinieri per la Tutela del Patrimonio Culturale, aiming to enhance this partnership through new initiatives.